Housing Land and Property (HLP) and CCCM Workstream

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 11:00 (START)
Thu, 03/12/2020 - 12:00 (END)

Dear colleagues,


The HLP AoR and CCCM cluster are pleased to invite you to the first meeting of the HLP and CCCM thematic workstream to develop a workplan/areas of focus for 2021. There have been numerous fascinating discussions on HLP and CCCM in 2020 - not least the Global Protection Cluster and CCCM Global Meeting, which generated many potential actions - and now the time is to plan for this action and identify workstreams! We would sincerely value your input for this process. 


The meeting will take place Thursday 3rd December 11.00 GVA, 13.00 Nairobi, 16.00 Bangladesh on Zoom - 


As we plan for next year, we would love your ideas, inputs, requests and offerings for what we, as a group, can achieve in 2021. Aligning also allows us to focus our efforts and avoid duplication. Some of the areas arising from recent discussions may include:

·         Gathering together due diligence trainings to share with other clusters/sectors

·         Adaptable due diligence - a menu of approaches and SOPs

·         Mapping the HLP challenges around emerging informal land markets in site settings (the subject of the CCCM global meeting HLP session)...

·         ... and then identify the need for specific tools/guidance, peer exchange/support, webinar topics that will support this work.


Please join us if you can, or submit suggestions, ideas and thoughts by email on what you would like to see in 2021, and any suggestions that you would like to lead on to [email protected]

For those in timezones that will be unable to attend, please accept our apologies. Please do let me know if you would like to connect bilaterally, or send your inputs by email and they can be shared at the meeting. We will look to make the timing work for you in the next meeting of this group, early 2021.  

Please forward to colleagues who would find this of interest. And any questions, please do ask. 

Best regards

Jim and Wan