Dear CCCM Colleagues,
The CCCM Cluster is pleased to announce that this year's CCCM Annual Meeting will be held in person from 14 – 16 June 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. The agenda for the retreat will be sent out towards the end of May 2023, however, if you are interested in presenting a particular topic, please contact [email protected].
The registration link for the event can be found below. We kindly encourage you to fill it in as soon as possible. Please note that agencies are expected to cover travel and accommodation costs for their staff attending the meeting. There is very limited funding support for national/local NGOs, those in need of support can liaise with their respective CCCM Cluster Coordinators who can then reach out to us.
Register here
Invitation letters will be sent out to those requiring it for visa applications. Additionally, a logistics note will be sent out prior to the event.
The deadline for registration is the 26th of April 2023.
Looking forward to seeing you there!