Digital communication and clean energy in responding to COVID-19

Tue, 28/04/2020 - 14:00 (START)
Tue, 28/04/2020 - 15:30 (END)

CCCM Tuesdays: CCCM in COVID-19 webinar series

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The ‘Digital communication and clean energy in responding to COVID-19’ webinar will focus on the following:

  • Giulio Coppi, Digital Specialist at Norwegian Refugee Council, will address technical solutions to support digitalised CwC. NRC Programmes have developed extensive guidance to orient and assist the response amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Remote communication may amplify our messaging or increase the audience, support decision making processes, or extend traditional programming through digital means. 
  • Aimee Jenks from UNITAR, Borja Gomez, Energy and climate advisor at Norwegian Refugee Council and James Arthur Haselip  from Norwegian Refugee Council will provide empirical examples and guidance on how energy as a cross-cutting enabler for both humanitarian sectoral work and for the SDGs ensures energy for communication, health, water, security and how it supports community coping mechanisms trough strengthening small business initiatives and livelihoods. They will also touch on the benefits to respiratory health issues when improving cooking facilities.
  • Joseph Hwani Senior Energy for Protection Officer with UNHCR DRS (Energy and Environment Unit) will bring Clean energy – COVID-19 together with nexus and energy management to ensure that these important initiatives stand strong in the long run.

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