COVID-19: remote management challenges in engaging with state and non-state actors

Tue, 05/05/2020 - 14:00 (START)
Tue, 05/05/2020 - 15:00 (END)

As governments and local actors engage in different efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19, certain measures are directly impacting the work of the camp management actors in supporting the affected populations living in camps and camp-like settings, especially those relying solely on vital and life-saving humanitarian assistance. Therefore the question is  “How can Camp Management actors ensure a balanced and principled approach in responding to the needs of affected population while working in remote management? Which are the challenges in liaising with local authorities to maintain a humanitarian and civilian space of the camps and like-camp settings?

The webinar will provide an opportunity for Camp Management practitioners to discuss and address the questions above as well as to share best practises and mitigation measures. In this context, experiences from the field will offer insight into the challenges of remote management, planned measures, and practices to ensuring balanced and principled Camp Management responses to affected communities in sites. The Question & Answer segment aims to galvanize discussions towards proposed approaches to enhancing access and negotiation capacities of Camp Management actors in the field, supported by Global CCCM Cluster.



Adnan Baghajati
IOM, CCCM Project Support Officer, Turkey Cross-Border Operations  

Victoria Heckenlaible,

ACTED, CCCM Sector Working Group, NES

Lauren McCarthy, 
DRC, CCCM Technical Coordinator, Yemen 

 Mahmud NAIEF, 
IOM, CCCM field officer, South Sudan

Bruno Stolze, 
UNHCR, Protection Cluster, Iraq

Tom Robison, 
NRC, Global Access Advisor 

To ensure a smooth discussion during this webinar and to ensure that a maximum number of questions are addressed, please submit any question you would like to ask during the webinar using the registration link below.

The webinar will be on Bluejeans


Event recording