Capacity Development Working Group Meeting

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 14:00 (START)
Thu, 01/10/2020 - 15:30 (END)

Dear all,

I hope you are all doing well: after our Mid-Year Workplan Review and in preparation of the CCCM Cluster Global Retreat (that this year will be held online), it is time to have a working group catch up J

I`m very happy to invite you to our next CD working group meeting  on Thursday 1st October, 2PM Geneva Time (GMT+1). You can join the meeting here: 

Meeting ID : 892 0960 2823

During the meeting I will also present and discuss with you the two latest initiatives of the CCCM Working Group: the “Capacity Development Working Group Trainers’ Superfolder” and the “Training Resources and Module Matrix”.

  1. The CD WG Trainers’ Superfolder is a one drive folder to promote and facilitate sharing of training tools among trainers. Tools would include examples of training activities, contextualized materials, training evaluation and planning and agencies/trainers own training modules which improve the practice of camp management. The Trainers’ Superfolder is for CCCM Trainers only, so in order to access the folder’s link you must be logged in on the CCCM website and have access to the CCCM Global CCCM Training package. For more information, please refer to the Introduction paper attached.
  2. The “CD WG Matrix on training resources and modules” is an excel matrix that collects links to e-training, webinars, training modules video and other training resources related to cross-cutting issues for Camp Managers and CCCM operations. You can find the Matrix attached: I started populating it with relevant links but I am strongly encourage you to provide your inputs as well.

The agenda of the meeting will be as follows :               

  1. Debrief on the CD WG Mid-Year Workplan Review Consultation
  2. Presentation of the CD WG Superfolder and Training Resource and module Matrix
  3. Planning the Impact Evaluation
  4. Planning of CD Working Group Contribution at the 2020 online CCCM Retreat  
  5. AOB

Looking forward to have a fruitful meeting on Thursday!

