Retreat Report 2015

The CCCM Cluster held its annual retreat on October 13th and 14th 2015, bringing together representatives from 19 field operations and 22 organizations, governments and missions. The theme was “Localising the Response”, in alignment with the Global CCCM 2013-2016 Strategic Framework and reflecting one the themes of the discussions at the World Humanitarian Summit 2015.

The Retreat offered an opportunity to share achievements and present work in progress to reflect on the ways in which we as a cluster work towards a more “localised” CCCM preparedness and response.
One day was dedicated to reflecting on how CCCM is currently localizing responses, and one day was dedicated to how responses can be further localized in the future. Panels, plenaries, breakout sessions and a country operations market place were held bringing in keynote speakers, experts and cluster coordinators to engage in fruitful discussions and exchanges that led to engagements and priority activities.